Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Audrey and I were in the Plain Dealer yesterday.  You can see the picture here, and you can read the article here.  Sorry I couldn't find them on the same page!  

I added a list of the blogs I read regularly to the sidebar.  Just in case you were interested, or bored, or whatever.

I tried to do a longer post, with pics of some of my Christmas knitting, but I wasn't able to load any photos tonight. Bummer!  More updates on my current knitting soon.


Gudrun Johnston said...

What a cute picture of you and your baby! Thanks for adding me to your sidebar...Happy Happy New Year!
PS Was the elephant referred to in the article Elijah by any chance?

rarabecca said...

Happy New Year! Hope the store is even more profitable in 2008 and you never drop a stitch!

I see I made the list W00t!

Paula K said...

So glad you put the article and picture here! You both look great.
I wanted MORE article though! Didn't you?